Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Why Another Blog?

Okay so this is a blog, but it's not so much about me. Let me explain.

My desire and vision for this blog is that it will be a place of honesty for homeschool moms. Let me explain further.

I truly believe that one of the habits most detrimental to the Christian life is dishonesty.

Think about it...has something like this happened to you? You've had a terrible day, struggling with bad attitudes from the kids about school, chores, and everything else you asked them to do that day. The house is a mess and laundry's piled high. You had an argument with (fill in the blank with a relative; ie. husband, mother, sister) once again. And to top it off, you've had a terrible attitude yourself all day and once again lost your temper and screamed at the kids...you were mean. You feel like just running away (for the afternoon). You feel like a failure...at everything. Too many of your days lately look like this one. That evening you drraaag yourself to (fill in the blank with a church function) and when a friend asks how you're doing you say, "Fine. How are you?"

Now I know you're not going to sit there and dump your whole day's drama on the first person that comes along and asks how you're doing. I wouldn't either. But, when another person in the body of Christ asks how we're doing we should think before we give that rote answer, "Fine." What if we were more honest and replied with something like, "It was one of those days, and I wasn't sure I wanted to come tonight but I know it's good I'm here. Thanks for asking. How are you?" Now do you think she'll answer with a, "Fine." or will she be more willing to share how her day was in a more honest way?

Has something like this ever happened to you? You're struggling with feeling inadequate in your role as a (fill in the blank with, wife, mom, homeschooler, Christian, etc.). You find yourself in the company of (fill in the blank with another Christian you admire) and in your conversation she goes on and on about how she just absolutely loved(s) being a (wife, mom, homeschooler, etc.) and never thought it a burden or struggle, and always did/does such-and-such; which is one of those things "every good (wife, mom, homeschooler, Christian, etc.) does!"

Now I know you're not going to say anything in this type of situation. I wouldn't either. Why in the world would I admit to this person, after all she just shared, that I'm struggling with (fill in the blank)?!

I guarantee that woman has had some bad days mixed in there somewhere. We ALL do!

Why are we so afraid to be honest? Because we don't want others to know think that we're not as great as what we think they think.

It's self-preserving.

It's selfish.

When we're not honest we create an atmosphere of dishonesty. We hear and see others and think we can't live up to what they are. They know we think highly of them so they have to keep up their facade. We can't let them know we don't match up, so we continue to keep up our facade. It's a vicious cycle of dishonest facades that only discourages the body of Christ from true fellowship. God didn't design the body of Christ to function as a bunch of individuals walking around selfishly self-preserving.

So, now that I've explained further, I'll get back to my first explanation...why this blog, and why it's not so much about me.

Homeschooling is one of those roles that dishonesty is a detriment to. I don't know about you, but when I go from blog to blog to blog to blog seeing what amazing things other homeschool moms are doing with their kids (and their homes or marriages or ministries) I'm amazed and inspired! But at the end of the hours time I've spent in the homeschool blog-world I feel discouraged. I'm not saying I don't love those blogs. I'm not saying I'm boycotting blogs where people share their brilliancy. (And I'm for sure not saying that the problem is the hours I spend going from blog to blog to blog. That can't be it. Nope. No.) I do love those blogs! I do love their brilliancy! God has gifted some people with amazing creativity and organization, and I'm thankful for those people and their desire and ability to share with us!

All that said, the purpose of this blog is to have a place where we can all be honest about homeschooling. This does not mean that it's going to be one big gripe session after another. Being honest doesn't mean belittling the people we're struggling with, or speaking disrespectfully of God who has ordered our lives according to His good and perfect will.

I will post as often as I want to/can/need to, and hopefully create some discussion. This will require comments! Your comments!  My posts will be about homeschooling...the good the bad and the ugly. And if you understand...if you feel me...if you've been there done that, or if you've amazingly avoided whatever it is I've posted about, please, please write a comment!! Tell me how you understand, how you feel me, how you got through it when you were there. Or tell me how you avoided it in the first place! As we read each others comments and discuss we will all be encouraged and learn from each other!

Please just make sure your comments are honest!! (You can even leave an anonymous comment.)

Okay, ready!?

Let's be honest...it's liberating!!

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